Mascotte 3D
Accueil > Corporate Social Responsability

Our CSR commitments

Nature and biotope at the heart of commitments

Located in the heart of the Nerthe chain, the Magic Park Land amusement park contributes to the preservation of the Mediterranean massif and its biotope. Regularly maintained and cleared by a team of 7 permanent employees, by limiting the use of phytosanitary products, the green spaces, made up for the most part of century-old pines and Mediterranean vegetation, not only provide shelter for local fauna, but also an effective bulwark against forest fires. Local species are also planted every year to ensure the renewal and maintenance of vegetation.

Herds of wild goats have thus taken up residence in the heart of this hilly and wooded 8-hectare site, to the delight of young and old alike, also helping to preserve the natural environment and the ecosystem of the massif while promoting maintaining biodiversity. To this end, Magic Park Land is one of the only French amusement parks to offer such an exceptional and preserved 100% natural setting.


Strong local roots

Regardless of its tourist openness, Magic Park Land remains deeply attached to local values, particularly in terms of recruitment, initially favoring applications from France. The park also organizes a free special Christmas day every year reserved for children in the town, as well as free school days in July and August. He also participates in local events such as the annual Miss Ensuès election.

As far as possible, supplies are also mainly made from local players, always with a view to promoting local economic activity while minimizing the carbon footprint linked to transport. The same goes for technical interventions for which local craftsmen and stakeholders are also privileged.


A preserved tourism

Far from the mass tourism associated with large leisure parks, Magic Park Land works on the concept of Slow Tourism by offering its customers more time to enjoy their visit. With reasonable expectations on all the attractions, picnics allowed inside the park or motorhomes who are always welcome, everything is in place to favor all visitors.


Respectful measures

Since 2014, management has implemented a procedure for purchasing E-tickets via the internet in order to reduce paper consumption. To date, nearly 40% of entries to the park are made using this reservation procedure.

Always with a view to reducing CO2 emissions, movements and maintenance inside the park are carried out using 100% electric Goupil carts.

Finally, in terms of new technologies, Magic Park Land has chosen a local contact for the development and maintenance of its website, whose accommodation is located in a data center in France.




€ 18.00 adult

€ 22.00 children -12 years

Children < 90cm : free

€ 79.00 seniors

over 60